As I pulled the bowl of this Lemon Cranberry Carrot Relish from the fridge, I wondered if anyone ever tries any of the suggestions in my “Put on Your TO COOK IS TO CREATE Thinking Cap” section of my blogs.
Lemon Cranberry Carrot Relish

As I pulled the bowl of this Lemon Cranberry Carrot Relish from the fridge, I wondered if anyone ever tries any of the suggestions in my “Put on Your TO COOK IS TO CREATE Thinking Cap” section of my blogs.
Have you ever grown a pineapple? It takes a long time, almost two years, but it’s such a rewarding experience and also a good test of patience. I know the first time I grew one it really made me appreciate
Fruitcake-you either love it, hate it, regift it, or trash it. I’m saying SAVE IT! SAVE THE FRUITCAKE! Fruitcake TV Segment Behold the fruitcake! Are you a fruitcake lover or hater? I don’t think there is much wiggle room…well, maybe a little,
Behold the fruitcake! Are you a fruitcake lover or hater? I don’t think there is much wiggle room…well, maybe a little, especially if you are my hubby. My hubby loves fruitcake. Fruitcake that is dry, not too sweet and with more