Mini Candy Cane Magic Cake–what is the magic you may be asking? The magic part is that I can make it! (No, there really is more, keep reading.) You all know I am not a baker, much to the disappointment
The day after Thanksgiving, or should we say, Thanksgiving Leftover Day is my most favorite day of the year. You all know how much I love leftovers, but I love a day when all my leftover love is shared by
Disclaimer: I was provided vouchers for free Challenge Butter for my competition cooking but the opinions expressed here are my own. The “whole” enchilada was part of my final burger entry at the World Food Championships. I had already placed 5th
Next week I will be in Orange Beach, Alabama, for The World Food Championships. I am honored and excited to once again be representing Louisiana. The World Food Championships is the world’s largest food competition. There are 10 categories and