Did you know it is National Pizza Party Day? Sounds like a good thing to celebrate or maybe I’m just searching for a good excuse to celebrate. Either way, there has been more pizza eating in our house than usual.
Ways to Enjoy Leftover Pizza

Did you know it is National Pizza Party Day? Sounds like a good thing to celebrate or maybe I’m just searching for a good excuse to celebrate. Either way, there has been more pizza eating in our house than usual.
Green Onion Madness, that is what I called my latest TV Segment. It was a fun morning talking all things green onion, yes, who knew green onions could be so much fun! Green onions remind me of Jack and the Beanstalk.
I love all summer squash, especially golden zucchini. I love the change of scenery it gives from regular green zucchini. This is the time of year when summer squash seem to take up the farmer’s market tables and that work’s
It is New Years Eve. Do you have your party plans made? Did you just get a last minute invite and need to bring a snack? Did your hubby decide he wanted to invite friends over to watch a Bowl