Happy Christmas Eve Eve! Yes, I am a “Friends” fan and because all of you are my friends, I wanted to share this Orange Almond Roll recipe. Big thanks to all my new followers that caught me cooking my Club Sandwich
Orange Almond Rolls

Happy Christmas Eve Eve! Yes, I am a “Friends” fan and because all of you are my friends, I wanted to share this Orange Almond Roll recipe. Big thanks to all my new followers that caught me cooking my Club Sandwich
It’s almost blueberry time in Louisiana which means it’s almost Spring, my favorite time of year. Yes, it’s almost time to grab a friend and a pail and head out to pick blueberries. Almost time to figure out the ratio
The day after Thanksgiving, or should we say, Thanksgiving Leftover Day is my most favorite day of the year. You all know how much I love leftovers, but I love a day when all my leftover love is shared by
Let’s have a leftover Cinco de Mayo celebration! Check your freezers and refrigerators for leftovers to make these Mexican TREATS To get all these recipes and more simply click HERE Happy Cinco de Mayo!